EIDU Kenya 2024 NFT-Collection

Symbol / Collection ID:
Impact site:
Kenya (Africa)
Impact vintage:
earned by the issuer in 08.01.2024-25.10.2024
Collection size:
Price per NFT:
25 USDC (USD stable-coin)
NFT Contract:
2LWGgx2ZfPb6KAVDc6mjbSXPpACnq9Dx4XNDyDnVgxNC on Solana (low-energy PoS blockchain; CO2 compensated)
Impact audited by:
NFT platform by:
EIDU Kenya 2024 Collection Preview
25 USDC (USD stable-coin)

About this Impact-NFT Collection

Issuer and seller of this NFT collection is:
Am Lustgarten (Portal 12)
10178 Berlin

The proceeds of all sold NFTs benefit the issuer.
If you are interested in buying further plastic credits, please contact EIDUKEN24@loompact.com

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Some additional info on the special structure of this EIDU Impact Credit Collection that covers 500 supported children in total:

  • one Impact Credit was set up exclusively for a CSR Xmas corporate giving project for the Luxemburg-based financial services provider IQ-EQ / the single “EIDUKEN24-IQEQ” Credit represented 200 supported children
  • 300 Impact Credits, representing one supported child per Credit, were set up for public sale in the “EIDUKEN24” collection / this here is the mint page for exactly this collection segment

The impact assets offered here represent the earned impact in 2024 of EIDU GmbH by their education platform rollout in Kenya.

EIDU envisions a world where every child can realize their full potential through quality education. Their digital platform brings world-class learning content and training to low- and middle-income countries, empowering governments to improve their education systems faster than ever before.

The educational content (digital learning exercises for learners and daily lesson plans for teachers) is designed to maximize learning outcomes while providing a fun and play-based experience for the students.

A large-scale randomized controlled trial showed that learners in schools supported by EIDU learn 50% faster than in comparable traditional schools, making EIDU one of the most effective educational interventions.

The digital platform is designed to be a very low cost solution for governments, schools & teachers, making high-quality education very accessible in those regions, where often children are underserved due to the lack of financial resources allocated for schooling.

EIDU‘s mission started in Kenya and will be expanded globally.

About Impact Credits

Impact Credits are like the already well known "CO2 credits" or "CO2 certificates" - they represent a positive effect done by an organization for a better world. But Impact Credits are not only addressing climate change, they are much more versatile as any kind of generated positive eco/social outcome can be transformed into a credit.

Despite the fact, that it is based on a high-tech blockchain architecture (NFTs), they are as easy to buy as buying a ticket or any goods from online shops. All you need is your credit card. There is no special knowledge needed for buying or handling these credits.

Curious how easy it is to buy them? Then take a look at the short explainer video below...

Basically, you buy data & an "impact claim". The organizations that created the outcomes check them in on our LOOMPACT reporting & transparency platform. If they do this, they still own the data they checked-in and they are able to sell this data later on using Impact Credits. The Credit itself so contains a part of this reported outcome and in fact also the claim, who has created the impact is transferred to the buyer.

The reported data & the underlying impact model for every NFT collection is checked externally for validity. This is a complex audit process, mostly following the IMVS standard (see the glossary section for a deeper explanation).

LOOMPACT is not the issuer of the Impact Credits - the issuer is the organization that created the impact and also they are the ones selling the NFTs. LOOMPACT is a technology and sales platform provider here. So also the proceeds of all sales benefit the impact-generating organizations directly.

Purchasing these NFTs is as simple as any online shopping; just use your credit card and email. Upon purchase, we'll create a "custodial wallet" for you through our payment provider, linked to your email. You'll receive all details about accessing your Impact Credits by email, and you can transfer your NFTs to your own digital wallet at no extra cost.

Every collection has it's own bulk request email address listed on it's shopping (minting) page. Click on that address and send us the details about how many NFTs you want to buy and ideally any invoice info if needed. That's all - we take care of the rest.

In short - yes. With most of the Credit issuers here we've got contracts for the continuous delivery of freshly realized outcomes. Besides theses we've also got a plenty more organizations that work with us but their collections are not publicly listed on our marketplace, as they are "bespoke" Credits designed for the use of one or more bulk buyers. Also these feed in to the stream of outcomes we securitize with LOOMPACT NFT. Let us know about your demand and we cater that need.

Yes, we do that. At first we need to talk about your needs and goals. After that we're actively looking for project partners that deliver the specific outcomes you need, also (if needed) in the desired region where the impact should be generated for you. Please contact us using our mentioned email addresses.

Also when it comes to special requirements on how to integrate your Impact Credits as NFTs in your internal or external reporting, we're at your side. We've done that several times - either for non-interactive reporting scenarios ("printed" reports) or for interactive presentations (compensation proofs on corporate websites). Please contact us using our mentioned email touchpoints.

For even more answers & details, visit our FAQ-page.


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